Friday, July 27, 2012

Farewell, Batman ....

Watched 'The Dark Knight Rises' today. Its a good film. Very good infact, it has a lot of positives. But, if it felt that that something was missing, that is because you go into it thinking of 'The Dark Knight'. To be fair, you do not measure heights standing on Mt. Everest and you do not compare superhero flicks to TDK, because if you do, everything falls short. However, I still had a few issues with the film. One, I thought the screenplay was lax at more than one places, only to be saved by brilliant direction, editing and Hans Zimmer's background score. However even that fails at some places. Two, the film shows communism in a very bad light. Its shamelessly anti-communist. Not that I have a problem with what the makers choose to show, just that the way it was shown was uncalled for. Three, useless twist in the end with Marion Cotillard. A needless twist that made hardly any difference. So yes, the film had its shortcomings. It was like any other superb superhero movie. It just falls short in the constellation of Nolanverse.

That being said, I had a lump in my throat at the end, because i was witnessing the end to the greatest superhero/comicbook series ever. Nolan made Batman what superheroes should be. Dark, outcasts and fighting their own fears before they fight others. He made films that were smart and not sugar syrup coated with extra cheesy dialogue. I felt emotional because I was happy. In a long time mind you. I felt blessed having been given the chance to witness the phenomenon that was TDK, and see how a superhero/summer blockbuster/comic book film can have everything and more.

TDKR misses the tension and grip of TDK, but as I said, Mt. Everest. It was a good end, if not what I had hoped for. But then, endings are tough. Any schmuck can come up with an opening, but endings? They are a whole other business. You have to tie all loose ends, answer all questions, reconcile everything and satisfy the fans, which isn't always possible. People do not have their own begginings. Those are given to them, when you start something, so you have the freedom. But once they are in it, everyone has their own idea of an end. No matter how hard you try, there will always be someone who won't agree. So I'll say it was a fitting end. If batman decides to have another outing, I'll be there. If he doesn't, I'll still be content. It was good while it lasted. Farewell.

(I'll end with my favorite quote from the series : )

"Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight. " 


  1. I didnt know you had a blog. But then it makes perfect sense.

    how was the result(you should have expected this coming!!)

    1. the result was fine. I scraped through. Though I am now losing my sleep over it because I haven't studied anything :( ...

      How are you doing?
