Sunday, April 12, 2009

Learning Woes


Monday, 23 June 2008 was the date, yes, I remember it correctly, when I bought my guitar. Me too, like many people before me, and many people to come, had fallen in love with this instrument after listening to variety of songs like 'Knockin' on heaven's door', 'Hotel California', 'Johnny B Goode' and lots of others. I had full confidence that in near future I will be playing like a pro with fingers so fast, they would set the fretboard on fire (ok that's a hyperbole).Though guitar has a reputation of being tough but then music is never easy. So, I bought it and began learning. This post is actually a rough collection of how difficult it was for me.

1 - The Basics 

Mr Srigopal Agrawal was my music teacher at school. I joined his classes for basics ( scales and leads).
So, what guitar requires is that there are 6 strings and there is a fretboard with divisions that divides the length of strings. So, you pluck a string open or pressing on fret to produce a note. Notes when mixed together produce music. Simple. But my learning is governed by certain Murphylike laws. Now I state the theorems without proofs. (For proof try to learn guitar)
  1. Its always wrong finger position. Always.
  2. When finger position is correct, its the wrong fret.
  3. When both are correct, you're plucking the wrong string (damn!!).
  4. Finally when everything seems correct – The songs are played in a RHYTHM.

Well with practice I got better and managed to play a few songs. Never mind the grooves that I developed in my fingers, that's bound to happen. Then the college reopened and classes ended.

2 - Hostel Blues

Guitar is probably the most famous instrument in the hostel. Also as I have net access there so it was a good place to learn open chords, the next step. With YouTube and assistance of friends I began. What I found was :
  1. E is a darling. Used in numerous songs and easiest.
  2. A and D are manageable.
  3. C & G take bit of time.
  4. F as the name goes is F**** chord. If you get this, all others seem easy.

I got them, but wait a minute, a song has quite few of them and that requires changing them, that too with strumming. So, now I state theorem 5 (most important).

   5) Every song you like and want to play should contain at least one chord that you don't know (C sus4 for example) OR are not comfortable with. If above two fail then you cannot get the strumming right (Roobaroo for example )

As always practice, practice and practice. Nothing else.

3 - What Shall I Play

Governed by Theorem 5, I began searching for right song. Hindi or English, I couldn't play even the easiest ones. Then some of them had dreaded barrĂ© chords. So I got an idea - “Learn one song, but it must be real good”. Using this principle I turned to rock and metal but they use electric guitar, so I gave up. Then on YouTube, I found this lesson on 'Stairway to Heaven' – one of the the greatest songs ever, using a acoustic guitar. That was it, I found what I was looking for and declared to all my friends that I am going to play 'Stairway to heaven'. Then following happened.

  1. The first note required barring the first finger across 5th fret. ( no, not again)
  2. It requires finger picking.
  3. Its very tricky at places.
  4. There are lots of weird chords and odd rhythm.
  5. It requires ELECTRIC GUITAR later.

Nevertheless, I began and in one month I have so far managed first 2 minutes out of total 8.

4 - There's Something About Jimmy

There's definitely something about funky names and long hair that all hard rock musicians go with them. Now two of the greatest guitarists are Jimmy Hendrix and Jimmy Page. Having watched their videos for hours I thought maybe I should also grow my hair. By the time I learn the song and play it, I would have enough to 'go with the groove'. And its a big ask for me because I have what are called 'shoe brush hair'. They are pretty rough and hard so best left short. So I went home a week ago, with my hair uncut and an idea to buy an electric guitar. I practiced there for hours so that my family would understand how serious I was (this time ,that is). Maybe I overdid it.
I told my mother that I would require an electric guitar. It would cost around Rs. 30,000 with amp and processor. She did not reply. So, two hours later, I repeated my words and she, her response. Then at dinner  I said the same thing again and this time she said,”Stop thinking this nonsense and do what you were sent to do. I can see you've only been playing guitar and not studying. And what's with this hairstyle.Get a haircut first thing in the morning and try to look decent.”

Well that was it. I am still learning the song and hope to complete it during my summer vacations. And   also hope for an electric guitar. Wish me luck. 

PS : The above are only my personal experiences and should not be taken for guitar in general. Guitar is a great instrument and everybody should give it a try (it also has a reputation for working wonders with girls ;)  )


  1. U definitely had a great experience...
    and seeing ur dedication i wish u gud luck on buying a electric guitar.
    and seeing ur dedication towards the song Stairway to Heaven.
    i wish u u all d best for that and the day u perfect that song u definitely feel like being in heaven.
    so climb the Stairs to reach the Heaven.

  2. man sid dis is awsum,gr8 experience compilation,i am sur sum girls wud be wondering how soon can u play stairway to heaven..lolz

  3. nice post.,,.seems like u r real serious dis tym around.,,.gud gud,.,.keep it up.,.,HOSTEL BLUES part is real nice.,so r ur theorems.,.,bit odd offcourse but very true no doubt,,..,i like dat..,,,.n do keep us posted with ur efforts to match d likes f jimmy "THE GOD" page n jimmy hendrix,.,,.
