Friday, July 27, 2012

Farewell, Batman ....

Watched 'The Dark Knight Rises' today. Its a good film. Very good infact, it has a lot of positives. But, if it felt that that something was missing, that is because you go into it thinking of 'The Dark Knight'. To be fair, you do not measure heights standing on Mt. Everest and you do not compare superhero flicks to TDK, because if you do, everything falls short. However, I still had a few issues with the film. One, I thought the screenplay was lax at more than one places, only to be saved by brilliant direction, editing and Hans Zimmer's background score. However even that fails at some places. Two, the film shows communism in a very bad light. Its shamelessly anti-communist. Not that I have a problem with what the makers choose to show, just that the way it was shown was uncalled for. Three, useless twist in the end with Marion Cotillard. A needless twist that made hardly any difference. So yes, the film had its shortcomings. It was like any other superb superhero movie. It just falls short in the constellation of Nolanverse.

That being said, I had a lump in my throat at the end, because i was witnessing the end to the greatest superhero/comicbook series ever. Nolan made Batman what superheroes should be. Dark, outcasts and fighting their own fears before they fight others. He made films that were smart and not sugar syrup coated with extra cheesy dialogue. I felt emotional because I was happy. In a long time mind you. I felt blessed having been given the chance to witness the phenomenon that was TDK, and see how a superhero/summer blockbuster/comic book film can have everything and more.

TDKR misses the tension and grip of TDK, but as I said, Mt. Everest. It was a good end, if not what I had hoped for. But then, endings are tough. Any schmuck can come up with an opening, but endings? They are a whole other business. You have to tie all loose ends, answer all questions, reconcile everything and satisfy the fans, which isn't always possible. People do not have their own begginings. Those are given to them, when you start something, so you have the freedom. But once they are in it, everyone has their own idea of an end. No matter how hard you try, there will always be someone who won't agree. So I'll say it was a fitting end. If batman decides to have another outing, I'll be there. If he doesn't, I'll still be content. It was good while it lasted. Farewell.

(I'll end with my favorite quote from the series : )

"Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight. " 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

An Imperfect Post ...

Things happen when there is imbalance and imperfection. It is the way nature operates; through imperfection, imbalance and chaos. Balance, perfection and order are popular only because of their mass appeal and better publicity.

Chemical reactions occur when there is an imbalance of energy. Heat flows when there is a difference in temperature. Electric current requires a difference in electric potential. Imbalance makes things happen. And when do these things stop? A chemical reaction stops at equilibrium. A heat flow stops when temperatures are equal. You get the idea... Balance is static. Nothing happens after that. You may say that balance was the reason things happened in the first place. True, but even then, balance is more of a motive perhaps, a final state. It is imbalance that drives every process in this universe. And balance or equilibrium we all know is just a state of maximum chaos. Ironic, isn't it?

Everywhere you look, you will see imperfection and imbalance at work. Had our brains been in state of perfect equilibrium, we would have had no thoughts, for they are just electrochemical activities that crackle in there. The reason people have beautiful faces is because they are imperfect. If everyone had a perfect face, everyone would be identical. There would be no sense of beauty. And this goes for pretty much everything. Beauty arises from imperfection. It is the reason we see one thing different from another. What did perfection do? Nothing. Apart from taking the credit of course.

Imperfections give us our identities. Everything we are, can be attributed to imperfections and imbalances. Sometimes a sequence here or there in the genetic code. Sometimes emotions. A lot of things actually, if you think about it. The amazing thing is, these imperfections in totality make what we call perfection. It just sounds better that way.... :)

PS: It did end up quite imperfect. Not something I wanted. Ran out of coherence while writing. I didn't want to lose these thoughts though, so pressed "Publish Post" and ended up with this.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Short Post About Gravity

[ Just some thoughts that came to my mind while watching the lectures on General Relativity. Comments are welcome. Please do point out if there's any mistake. Either in language or in science.]

Gravity, is a very good source of inspiration for one to look up to. One of the fundamental forces of this universe, gravity is by far the weakest. It is no match for its counterparts like the EM force, and it doesn't manifest itself so easily[Footnote 1]. But this weak force turns out to be the hero of the universe. Though weak, gravity shapes and controls our worlds. Gravity gives birth to the stars, binds together galaxies, shapes the planets, control their motions and even our lives. Its inspiring, seeing it to emerge as the biggest player. A fairytale story if you like, from weakest to strongest. Gravity may be weak alone, but it grows with mass. It keeps on adding, never letting anything go. Gravity does not give up. Its range extends to infinity, unlike nuclear forces. Gravity knows only to grow. While EM forces come in two flavours, gravity comes in just one. It does not cancel out itself. So everything that it takes in, only increases its strength.

While rise is one lesson, fall is another. Gravity, if let loose, goes mad. It gives birth to a star, but also destroys it. When it becomes too much for itself, gravity leaves nothing. Not even space and time. It rips apart the very thing that it created and fed on, resulting in a black hole.

So, it is a good story I think. Seeing nature operate. A weak force gaining strength, slowly but surely, creating things and destroying them. And it doesn't require a prince or a demon to teach us some nice things as well.

PS : The title is a reference to Krzysztof Kieślowski's films(Decalogue #5 and #6). Pinnacle of cinema.

[1] By which I mean that the effects are not visible unless the scale is large. For example, it is easy to deflect an iron ball with a magnet, but doing same with gravity would require quite a big mass

Friday, December 24, 2010

Two Women - Part 2

[ The following are highly biased and blasphemous views of the author. However, most comments are welcome, esp those that throw some light on the question. ]

PART 2 - Draupadi

While there is Sita in the Ramayana, there is Draupadi in the Mahabharata. A woman every bit as remarkable as Sita, but who somehow doesn't evoke the sense of respect that one has for Sita.
Draupadi or Panchali [See footnote 1] was daughter to King Drupada. She was married to the five Pandavas, and this, sadly has become her identity. Her polyandry has been a target of a lot of jokes (none worth mentioning here). Wife-of-five-husbands is as far as I have seen, the first thought that comes into people's minds on hearing her name.

Though there cannot be any valid comparisons, I always thought Draupadi to be a notch above Sita. While criticizing Sita is somewhat out-of-bounds because she was the wife of Lord Rama, there is nothing like that in case of Draupadi. True, she had five husbands, but it is difficult enough to be wife of one, let alone five. It is remarkable, almost superhuman.

Sita was kidnapped by Ravana. She had faith in her husband, that he would come to rescue her. And he did. Spare a thought for Draupadi. She was lost in a gamble, as a bet, by her own husband. Whom she should turn to now? In front of a whole courthouse, she was abused, humiliated and even stripped. No one said a word. Draupadi faced all this, yet it did not undermine her. She came out of there as chaste as she had gone in.

While Sita took her punishment silently, Draupadi questioned Yudhistira. What right did he had to bet her as a prize? Wasn't she already considered lost, when he lost himself? If yes, then why did he bet her again? If no, what right did he command over her after that?
She was his wife, not a property. She made a terrible vow, not to tie her hair until they have been washed by Dusshasana's blood. It was fulfilled at last, though for a great price.

This brings me to another point. I have heard a lot of Babas (spiritual leaders or gurus you might call them)[see footnote 2], accusing Draupadi to be the reason of Mahabharata's great war. After all, she made fun of Duryodhana, calling him blind, as his father was. The Babas, tell this as the primary reason for the war, thereby underlining how women always bring upon destruction (Sita bought it on Ravana, blah blah). Really?? Was Dhritrashtra's ambition nothing? Or Duryodhana's hatred for his brothers? The most interesting thing I find is, that they say this in front of a crowd full of women, and even get approval! Well, most of those women have nothing to do at home (or dont want to), and they gather there to play my-bahu-is-worst contest. So, they really see their daughters-in-law ruining their life.

Draupadi never gave in. She always took the challenge. Even when she had no one to support her. But somehow, people do not look upto her. They do not want women to be like her. Women who can stand up for themselves. Women who do not let injustice go unpunished. No they do not want that.

Just as a closing comment, Draupadi was also known as Krishnã, because of her dark complexion. For a nation obsessed with white and fairness, it is not surprising that they do not see her as an ideal woman.

Epilogue :

After the war was over, the Pandavas along with Draupadi went to see Bhishma, who was lying on his bed of arrows. krishna said to Yudhistira, "This is the time. Quick. Ask him the path of Dharma." Draupadi laughed. Everyone looked bewildered. She said," You are asking Dharma from him? Where was his Dharma, when I was being abused in the courthouse?" No one had any answer.

[1] : She was called Panchali because she was the princess of the Kingdom of Panchal, not because she had five husbands.

[2] : I have been born and raised in Mathura, beside Krishna Janm Sthan, so I have seen and heard a lot of Babas :P

PS : The title is taken from a film of same name by master director Vittorio De Sica, starring Sophie Loren. Nothing to do with the post, but a really good film. Do watch it.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Two Women : Part 1

[ The following are highly biased and blasphemous views of the author. However, most comments are welcome, esp those that throw some light on the question. ]

PART 1 - Sita

Why did Ram exile Sita? The general answer given is that a washerman, while berating his wayward wife, declared that he was "not like that Ram who would take his wife back after she had lived in the house of another man". This was reported back to Ram. Therefore Ram, being an ideal king, decided that no one, not even a petty washerman, should be discontented with the king. After all, it was Ram Rajya, our version of utopia. So, he exiled Sita to forest. Even though she'd proven her purity in the Agni-Parisksha and left no doubt, it turned out that some people (or just the washerman) didn't think so. Thus Ram obliged as vox populi vox dei, and exiled her.

Now the question that crops in my mind is, was there no one, in whole of Ayodhya who thought that this action of Ram was incorrect or unjustified, that Sita was pure?
If yes, then why didn't Ram take that into consideration? After all it was Ram Rajya. Every one should be content. Right? If he could exile his wife because of a washerman, couldn't he keep her because of lets say a blacksmith? But no one argues that. No one tells us this.
If no, then did the people of Ayodhya really deserve a king like Ram? Did the people, who said that Ram should leave Sita just because she had remained in the custody of some man other than her husband. No, I don't think so. And Ram should've known better. Such a accusation is a disgrace to Sita, to Ram and even to Ravan, who however bad, was a worthy opponent. Ravan as we all know, was a very learned man, highly respected, just gone bad.

In any case, I am really unable to understand reason behind Ram's action. Ram could have denounced his throne and then went to forest with Sita, like she did when Ram was exiled. But he did not do so. He remained in his palace and expanded his empire. Meanwhile his pregnant wife gave birth to his sons in a hermitage.
Really, if Sita, who epitomizes the ideal woman, is destined to have a life ending in exile, what chance does a normal woman have?
Its not Ram Rajya anymore, and the world has a lot more washermen.

PS : The title is taken from a film of same name by master director Vittorio De Sica, starring Sophie Loren. Nothing to do with the post, but a really good film. Do watch it.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Thought Experiment

The following is a transcript of the thoughts of Siddharth Sharma (See Footnote[1]), taken today during Operating Systems' lecture.

9:35 AM

Late again! How can it be? Had lots of time today. Probably that's why. you tend to relax. its so much better clock is ticking and the other guy is waiting for the bathroom.... leave it..Computer Networks... she (the teacher) won't say anything. Just walk right in. Don't ask. 3rd floor... why do we always get classes on 3rd floor when everybody else gets theirs at 1st floor. That looks like it... May I come.......what is she doing here. (It was supposed to be Computer Networks but our subject found out that the Operating Systems faculty was taking the lecture.)

Where is Sudeep. There. No sign of Sumit and Vikrant though.

Teacher: "Mum wum .... blah blah blah..... Priority... Job Scheduling.... wum wum"

What is it? I ask Sudeep, and he makes a face that I know very well. It means "I don't have a fucking idea"
what the hell, he was present yesterday. Its a continuation.

Teacher: "Forget what I taught yesterday."

What a fucking joke ('The White Tiger').
Like anybody remembered it.

Teacher: "Mugga wugga.... blah blah..... yum wum"
<...............goes on for 10 minutes.....>

I am beginning to feel a rage here......

Teacher: "yum hum wum wum... p1,p2 process..... blah yum wum"

To hell. That's why I don't get good marks. how can I write well if I don't understand it. Studying used to be fun once. There is no joy here..

<.... Mr. Perfect stands up... He even has a question....???????.....>
Mr. Perfect: "Mam.. why does...blah blah..... shouldn't it ........yum wum.... blah blah blah"

Teacher: "wugga wugga.... no wait..(pauses for a minute).. yes I think you are right... It should be that way. I was wrong.......Everybody, listen... blah blah blah"

She doesn't know anything. What type of teachers have we got. Well I probably deserve them.. If only I had passed JEE.. Shut up.... its been ages and you still beat about it... this is what losers do, always hide behind the things that didn't happen... if only...

Teacher: "mugga blah blah priority.. clear?"

NO NO NO.... In fact yes. You have cleared my brain upto the point of thoughtlessness. I cannot even think whether I understood or not... and look at them or better, look at me... I'll also answer in the affirmative...

Me: "Yes mam , clear."

Teacher: "blah blah blah.... Time Slice... wugga wugga"

Ah! time slice, finally something I know... but slice reminds me of the ad that Slice has made, the Katrina Kaif one... Aamasutra... what relation in the world does an innocent mango drink has with sex? I never thought mango was an aphrodisiac, more so a mango drink that's without fizz. Couldn't have been more explicit. Even bought Katrina to give a 'K' to Aamasutra and hence complete the word... ha ha ha..

Teacher: "blah blah blah........."

Oh shit! Time Slice's gone too... so much so for Katrina Kaif....

Teacher: "#$5^^^&83232......"

its all greek to me :P

10:00 AM

Look at the watch... still half an hour to go... there goes professor Einstein and his relativity. Time passes so slowly. If only Newton had such teachers, Relativity would have been his first discovery....

Teacher: "mugga wugga....SRTF, SJF..... blah blah."

This is getting too much. Why can't this be like those first person shooter games... where I can blow her brains out with a gun... or better still, I'll use a baseball bat.. take out all my rage.

<........Another question pops out.........>

Apparently, not everyone is as dumb as I am.
What the hell. I don't think anybody can beat JSS when it comes to worst faculty. probably should put up my thoughts on my blog. Yeah, that'll do. Creative use of this time...
Creative use reminds me of my electric guitar. Better learn to play it quick or 20,000 down the drain. Wanted it so badly. Now that I've got it, it poses another problem.... to learn it and learn it well.....

10:30 AM

Teacher: "Siddharth Sharma?"
Me: "Present mam."

Finally over. I am completely drained out.... cannot attend anymore classes.
I did not understand anything. Pre emption, scheduling, round robin etc.... no concepts at all.
On the other hand, if you do not get the existing concepts, who knows... you may develop your own.....
Yeah! that sounds nice... Take that, Mr. Gates and here I come, Linus.......

[1]The subject profile
The subject is Male, 22 years of age. He is an engineering student in the discipline of Computer Science. He studies at JSS, Noida (see next footnote).

Yes, its JSS; not Jaypee Noida.
No, there are not many colleges in Noida. They're in 'Greater Noida'.
Yes, its through UPTU. :(
(Its one of those colleges that only those who study in it have ever heard of it, and still fewer can tell you its full form.)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

10 Films You Must Watch ......

Well its been a long time since I last posted. Haven't been able to do it for various reasons. However, here I am with this list that I compiled about 10 English movies that I believe everyone should watch.
It wasn't an easy task for me to restrict this list to 10, which means that I had to leave out some films other people might have included. It may irk a few people to see their favourite films missing, but then this is a personal choice.

Since I do not rank these movies, they are arranged in a chronological order.
Here we go !

1. City Lights (1931)
Dir - Charlie Chaplin

One of the gems of silent era, this film tells the story of a blind girl and a tramp. You have to watch this if you call yourself a movie fan. Hilariously funny and emotionally touching, it has one of greatest and most touching finale of any film.
This is probably Chaplin's greatest work, and that's saying something.

2. Citizen Kane (1941)
Dir - Orson Welles

In his first film, Orson Welles created what is said to be the biggest cinematic landmark since pictures first started moving. Not only a very good film, but very important also. Volumes have been written about the film's numerous innovative ideas and techniques.
An epic tale of a publishing tycoon's rise and fall, a must watch.

3. 12 Angry men (1957)
Dir - Sidney Lumet

Sydney Lumet's directorial debut is a dramatic tale about a jury of 12 average people, which has to decide on a case of murder. Brilliantly acted, directed and superbly written, the movie leaves a tremendous impact. Confined to just a hot room and 12 men, the movie has no action, just lot of words.
A must watch film about debate and dialogue; and courage.

4. Lawrence Of Arabia (1962)
Dir - David Lean

Synonymous with epic, the film is perfect from every aspect.
Even though it is nearly four hours long, it is definitely worth the time. A brilliant script combined with masterful direction and grand performances, the film is majestic from every angle, not to mention the score by Maurice Jarre. And words are just not enough to describe its cinematography, you have to see it.
Only problem is that it is a shame not to watch it on big screen.

5. Dr. Strangelove (1964)
Dir - Stanley Kubrick

For me, it is the best black comedy that I have seen. Set during the height of the Cold War, it is a vicious satire on politics and military. Peter Sellers is brilliant in the triple role that he plays and the film is filled with memorable lines.
Watch it. The Cold War may be over, but the film is as relevant today as it was then.

6. The Godfather (1972)
Dir - Francis Ford Coppola

What to say about one of the greatest movies ever made !
Based on the novel of the same name by Mari Puzo, this epic tale of mafia life in America set new standards for cinema. One of the greatest commercial and critical successes, this is probably the most talked about Hollywood film.
A filmmaker and audience's dream alike, it gets everything right .You have to be insane not to like it.
WATCH IT, if you haven't already.

7. Schindler's List (1993)
Dir - Steven Spielberg

I always thought of Spielberg as a director who only directed those adventure movies like Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones and E.T. So it came to me as a surprise when i first watched this film.
Based on a true story, its the best film on the Jewish Holocaust. Scene after scene, Spielberg creates what is, for me, his best work ever. Grand performances from the three lead actors exemplary.Shot in black and white, the movie is a real masterpiece. Even if you are not fond of movies, you have to see this one.
And if you are not moved by it, you do not deserve decent company.

8. Pulp Fiction (1994)
Dir - Quentin Tarantino

Pulp Fiction is what a brilliant director can do when he wants to.
Its violent, wicked, funny and a visual treat. A screenplay that is hard to keep up with till the movie ends and magnificent cast make it a top notch watch. But the coolest things in the film are its dialogues and the encyclopedic grasp of Quentin Tarantino over film making on display.
A cult classic, it is a metamovie in a sense, referring to other works. A roller coaster ride that you shouldn't miss.

9. Finding Nemo (2003)
Dir - Andrew Stanton

Animation doesn't get better than this.
Good screenplay, talented voice work, controlled direction and animation by Pixar so expressive, it makes the similar efforts by DreamWorks and others useless. Whether it is the waves of the sea or the colours of the fishes, everything is just wonderful. But what makes it such a pleasure from start to end is the story that appeals to everyone, a movie about finding your courage ,fighting your fears and family values.
Highly recommended.

10. The Dark Knight (2008)
Dir - Christopher Nolan

It may not be as great as some of the other movies on this list, but there is no denying the fact that it is for movies like these that we go to cinemas.
Dark and complex, it is undoubtedly the best superhero movie till date. A tight script and screenplay written by the brothers Christopher Nolan & Jonathan Nolan (who also wrote Memento), is what sits at the heart of this film. However, the film is further elevated by its direction, good cinematography, and an unforgettable performance by Heath Ledger as the Joker.
A boon for the lovers of the genre, it is a movie everyone should watch.